
12 | WTF is Money Coaching?

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Welcome to Good Money Vibes, the podcast where millennial women in the UK transform from being bad with money to becoming financial rockstars. Are you tired of feeling lost in the world of personal finance? Do you ever think, “I’m just not good with money?” Well, fear not. You’re in the right place.

Every Thursday, we dive into the heart of money matters tailored just for you. Good Money Vibes isn’t your typical finance podcast. It’s a friendly and conversational journey into the world of money mindset, intentional spending, behavioral finance, and all things money education. I believe that being smart with money doesn’t have to be dull. It’s about understanding your financial behaviors, making purposeful decisions, and most importantly, feeling good about where your money is going. The episodes are packed with practical tips, expert insights, and relatable stories, all designed to empower you to take charge of your financial life with confidence and joy. Whether you’re sorting out your savings, tackling debt, or just curious about how to make your money work for you, Good Money Vibes is your go-to guide.

We’re not just a podcast; we’re a community. After tuning in, don’t forget to join our Money Confidence Club on Facebook. It’s a space filled with supportive women just like you, all on their journey to financial freedom. So grab a cuppa, hit play, and let’s turn those money woes into money wins.

Hello. How are you? Welcome to this week’s episode of Good Money Vibes, where good money management meets great life choices. I wasn’t quite sure what to talk about today because I made a booboo in my last episode. I was talking about how the next episode was going to be about starting your side hustle. I finished recording and then realized I already did an episode on how to start a side hustle, so I couldn’t be bothered to go back and rerecord the entire thing. The rest of the chat was pretty good, and I don’t want it to be all choppy and edited.

So I thought I’ll just come on and explain: if you want to learn how to make money from your skills, your passions, how to monetize, or find the right side hustle for you, check out Episode Seven: How to Trade Your Skills for Money. It’s already available on the podcast, so you can go and listen to that now if starting a side hustle is something you want to do.

What I thought I would do today is help you understand what my job is as a money coach and how I actually help people. First of all, I was a financial educator and content creator for three, three and a half years before I pivoted into coaching. In that time, I posted almost daily content for three years, educational content, monthly masterclasses. For a long time, I had a membership which had wealth-building courses, paying off debt, budgeting – everything you needed. And I realized that there was something missing.

I realized that I was able to teach all of this stuff – teach about financial education – but it was such a small piece of the puzzle. I could give people the knowledge. Yes, I did coaching then, and I would primarily help create a budget that works for them, make their money management work better so they could save more and manage their money better. But there was still something missing. I was having one-off conversations with people, doing masterclasses, and creating content, and people were following me for years but not hugely bettering their situation. Yes, they could follow something that I was telling them, and they would learn something, but I realized that the missing piece of the puzzle was all around money mindset. This is where money coaches come in.

First things to note, there are different types of money coaching. It’s important to find someone who is going to help you with your specific needs, wants, and goals. Always have a conversation with the money coach before investing in anything they do, even if it’s something like a low-price offer like a guide or a workbook. You need to first understand how they’re actually going to help because if they’re just spewing you more of the information you already know, which is what I was doing as a financial educator, it’s not actually going to help you work through whatever is standing in your way.

A lot of my money coaching clients had followed me for years, and as soon as I mentioned I did money coaching, it was like the light switch flicked, both for me and for them. They knew all the stuff but couldn’t make it work for them. That’s something I’ve seen with a lot of my clients over the four years I’ve been in the finance space. Yes, I was educating, but the feedback was often, “This is really useful at the time,” but a few months later, it wasn’t working anymore. That’s because anyone can create a budget and put numbers into a spreadsheet, but unless you’ve done the work on your money beliefs, money mindset, and financial behaviors, it’s hard to change with just a spreadsheet full of numbers.

The most important fact I’ve learned since becoming a money coach is that financial decisions are 90% emotional and 10% logical. That means that emotions, such as your money beliefs and money mindset, are in charge of every financial decision you make. Logic takes over in more calculated decisions, like saving for a holiday or buying a house because those are clear goals. But when there isn’t a clear goal or when the goal isn’t aligned, it becomes more difficult, and our emotions take control.

My job as a money coach is to combine the two. I help people create a budget that works for them and organize their finances in a way that makes sense for their life and is easy to manage. But we also think about what we want, what our ideal lifestyle looks like, and build a plan that excites us. We also identify what’s stopping us and work through it.

There’s a trend with my money coaching clients: we start working together, build a budget, and initially, it’s great. They feel like they’ve never been able to stick to a budget before, and now they can. The first few months are fine, they’re paying off debt and building savings. Then something happens. I wait for it to happen, not because I want it to, but because it’s when we build financial resilience. We work out what went wrong and build that into the plan.

For example, one client had their car break down a month and a half into coaching. They hadn’t had time to build an emergency fund yet. The emotional response can be overwhelming, and I’m there to help calm and support them through it. We always figure it out.

I’m there as a financial expert to help you set up your finances for success. I’m also there for accountability and cheerleading. Some clients say they think, “What would Emily do?” which I find hilarious because I’m not perfect. Life happens, money gets tight, but we get through it.

Every single money coaching client I’ve had in the last six months has had a positive experience. They feel good about money and feel like they can achieve their goals, even when it feels tough. Money mindset is huge, and it’s hard to do on your own. This is why money coaches are so vital.

If you’re considering money coaching, please come and talk to me. I’m not pushy or salesy. Let’s talk and see if we can make it work. I know looking at your finances can seem scary, especially when you don’t feel in control. One thing I offer is money reset sessions, a free 45-minute session where we create a budget together and talk about how you’re feeling with money. I hope you see the benefit of money coaching in those 45 minutes, but there’s no pressure.

One of my clients said if they’d signed up for coaching when they first thought about it, they would have saved way more than the cost of coaching based on how they spend money now. The investment pays for itself quickly because managing your money well makes a huge difference.

Here’s a review from another client: “Working with Emily has been life-changing. Her passion and life experience shined through our time working together. She helped me create goals, change my mindset, and live with an achievable budget. I would highly recommend working with Emily. No causal person has inspired me as much as she has.” This means a lot to me, and I know it can help you too.

If you want to feel in control of your finances, relieve financial stress and anxiety, get a plan to achieve your goals, build savings, pay off debts, and feel good about money, please get in contact. If you’re listening and feel you’re already good, I have something coming later this year about wealth building. This will be a six-month mastermind style program focusing on growing your wealth with a small group and one-on-one coaching.

If you’re thinking about investing in money coaching, do it now. You’ll save the money and be ready for the next wealth-building program. I have 100% success rate, and I’m confident you can turn it around.

This has been great. It’s a slightly shorter episode, but I hope it’s been useful. Please let me know what you want me to talk about on the podcast. Starting from June, I’ll be offering free challenges inside my Facebook group, Good Money Vibes. Join for supportive community and monthly challenges to improve your money and relationship with money.

Thank you for listening. It means the world. I’ll speak soon.

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Hey there, I'm Emilie

Money Coach & Financial Expert for Female Business Owners.