
3 Myths About Managing Business Finances That Are Holding You Back

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Hey there, financial bestie! 👋 Let’s chat about something that’s probably been nagging at the back of your mind: managing your business finances. I bet you’ve heard (or even believed) some pretty wild myths about money management. Well, it’s time to bust those myths wide open and set you on the path to financial confidence!

Myth #1: “I Don’t Have Enough Time to Keep Track of My Finances”

Raise your hand if you’ve ever said this! 🙋‍♀️ I get it, you’re busy running your business, creating content, serving clients… who has time for numbers, right?

The Truth: Managing your finances doesn’t have to be a time-sucking vortex. In fact, with the right system, it can take less time than scrolling through Instagram!

How to Overcome It: Simplify, simplify, simplify! Forget about complex systems with multiple accounts and endless spreadsheets. I teach a 3-account method for both business and personal finances. That’s right, just three accounts each for your business and personal finances. It’s streamlined, efficient, and trust me, it works!

Action Step: Set aside 15 minutes this week to review your current financial setup. How many accounts are you juggling? Could you simplify?

Myth #2: “I’m Just Bad With Money”

Oh, this one hits close to home. I used to believe this about myself too. Being in the bottom set for maths in school doesn’t exactly set you up for financial confidence, does it?

The Truth: Being “good with money” isn’t about being a math whiz. It’s about understanding your relationship with money and learning some basic skills – skills that anyone can master!

How to Overcome It: Recognize that money management is a skill, not a talent. Just like you learned to ride a bike or use social media for your business, you can learn to manage your finances.

Action Step: Write down three things you’re good at in your business that you had to learn. Remember, you weren’t born knowing how to do those things either!

Myth #3: “I Need to Follow Complex Financial Systems to Be Successful”

You’ve probably heard about the 50/30/20 method, or maybe you’ve tried the Profit First system with its multiple accounts. It all sounds so official and complicated, doesn’t it?

The Truth: Effective money management can be simple. In fact, the simpler it is, the more likely you are to stick with it!

How to Overcome It: Ditch the complex systems and focus on understanding your basic cash flow. You don’t need a gazillion Monzo pots or a degree in accounting to manage your money effectively.

Action Step: Create a simple spending plan. Here’s how:

  1. Write down your income
  2. Subtract your fixed bills
  3. Subtract necessary spending (like groceries and fuel)
  4. What’s left? That’s your “leftover” – now you get to decide what to do with it!

The Power of Keeping It Simple

Here’s the thing: managing your business finances doesn’t have to be scary, time-consuming, or complicated. By busting these myths and embracing a simpler approach, you’re setting yourself up for financial success.

Remember, you’re not “bad with money” – you just haven’t found the right system yet. And that system doesn’t need to involve complex calculations or multiple accounts. Sometimes, the most effective solutions are the simplest ones.

So, are you ready to ditch these myths and take control of your finances? Remember, it’s not about being perfect – it’s about progress. Every small step you take towards understanding and managing your money is a win!

Want to learn more about simplifying your finances and paying yourself consistently (even with inconsistent income)? Join me for my free masterclass on September 30th! [Link to registration]

Let’s make financial confidence your new superpower! 💪

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Hey there, I'm Emilie

Money Coach & Financial Expert for Female Business Owners.