What Even is ‘Money Mindset’?

What Even is ‘Money Mindset’?

Money mindset isn't just about how much money you have in the bank; it's about how you perceive, value, and interact with money in your daily life. It's a set of beliefs and attitudes that guide your financial decisions and behaviours. For example, if you believe that...

05 | The Psychology of Saving Money

05 | The Psychology of Saving Money

Welcome to Good Money Vibes, the podcast where millennial women in the UK transform from being bad with money to becoming financial rock stars. Are you tired of feeling lost in the world of personal finance? Do you ever think I'm just not good with money? Well, fear...

05 | The Psychology of Saving Money

04 | Money is a Feminist Issue

Welcome to another episode of the Good Money Vibes podcast, my name is Emilie Nutley I'm a Money Coach I'm Financial Educator and it's my job to help you feel good with money that is what this podcast aims to do I aim to do it through educating you about the systems...

Hey there, I´m Emilie

Money Confidence Coach, Financial Educator & Money Expert. Here to help women make, invest and save more money. I’m all about helping you design your dream life, and utilise money as a tool to get there.