solopreneur, let's begin to unf*ck your money mindset

free 90-minute masterclass on ??? (new date soon)

Tired of charging crystals in the moonlight to attract wealth? Let’s switch to something that works 24/7… your brain!

Learn practical insights and understand the effect of ✨money mindset✨ on your ability to make and manage money in your business and personal life.

Your money mindset isn’t all ‘woo’ and ‘universal vibrations.’ It’s your unique beliefs around money, formed through your upbringing, media and societal influences. In this masterclass, I’m going to be breaking down the neuroscience behind money mindset so that you can take practical steps to improve your relationship with money and bring in more revenue.

Break self-imposed financial barriers by changing your thoughts about money

Learn how a positive money mindset can create more opportunities for business success and wealth creation.

Utilise visualisation techniques to set and achieve ambitious financial goals

Transform fear-based financial decisions into confidence-driven strategies that significantly increase your income

I’m Emilie, I’m here to help you make + manage money like a MF boss.

We’re taught finance is boring, but for some reason, I find talking about money really fun 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I help business owners make money a positive in their life, so you can enjoy every day without money stress, and make increasing your income an absolute breeze!

My ✨financial awakening✨ saw me get in control of my finances, pay off debt and build savings.. for the first time in my adult life. Three years (and a baby) later, I bought my first house. Having thought it IMPOSSIBLE just a few years earlier.

One of the biggest catalysts towards my financial success was developing an abundance mindset, or what I like to call, an ‘enough’ mindset (I talk about this in the masterclass). The second was building a business that allowed me to go part-time to look after my baby, while continuing to increase my income.

Over the years I’ve gone into full-blown nerd mode around money, and I am on track to be a qualified Financial Advisor by June and complete my Trauma of Money certification around the same time. This is ontop of the hundreds of books, podcasts and courses I have studied. I really do, find finance fun.

Disclaimer: I cannot do maths. I require a calculator at all times. Maths ≠ Money.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What will I learn in this masterclass?

This masterclass will teach you how to identify and shift negative financial beliefs, adopt an abundance mindset, and apply practical strategies to enhance your earning potential in business.


How long is the masterclass, and what’s the format?

The masterclass runs for 90 minutes and includes a mix of presentations, interactive exercises, and Q&A sessions to ensure a comprehensive learning experience.

Is there a cost to participate?

No, this masterclass is completely free! It’s a great opportunity to gain valuable insights without any financial commitment. However, I will be briefly pitching my new money coaching program, Cashflow Confident, at the end of the masterclass.

Will there be a recording available if I can't attend live?

Yes, a recording of the masterclass will be available to registered participants who cannot attend the live session.

Who is this masterclass for?

It’s designed for self-employed entrepreneurs and business owners who want to improve their financial decision-making and increase their business success through a healthier money mindset.

Do I need any previous financial knowledge to join?

No previous financial knowledge is required. This masterclass is accessible to anyone interested in improving their financial mindset and practices.

What materials or preparations do I need for the masterclass?

You might want to have a notebook and pen handy for notes and exercises, but no specific materials are required beyond a willingness to learn and participate.

How do I register for the masterclass?

You can register on this very page by popping your email into the box above. You’ll receive a confirmation email with details on how to join the masterclass.